The Wii (/ˈwiː/ WEE) is a home video game console developed and marketed by Nintendo. It was released on November 19, 2006, in North America and in December 2006 for most other regions of the world. It is Nintendo's fifth major home game console, following the GameCube and is a seventh-generation console alongside Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony's PlayStation 3. From Wikipedia

The Wii is arguably the console I'm most nostalgic for, I've had the wii for aslong as I could remember. After joining the Wiiring I felt inspired to make a page dedicated to my memories with the Wii, and a tour of my childhood Wii Console.

Here It is, by the way.

Not a flattering photo, I'm aware.

My childhood Wii, has Guitar Hero:Aerosmith stickers plastered on the side (My brother bought that game, didn't think he enjoyed it much) the hinge for the Gamecube controllers is long gone, as Is the hinge for the SD Card slot, slightly discolored and had some kind of old gunk on It til I cleaned It recently, but To Be Loved Is To Be Changed.

I wanna say my first memories with the Wii was around late 2007 or late 2008? I was around 3/4 Years old and my family came home with a Wii for my brother and a copy of Mario Kart Wii, I remember my Mom seeing the character select and saying "Oh, you can play as a baby In this game!" or something along those lines, so I guess thats how they roped me into playing. I played a match of balloon battle with my brother and losing, getting upset, and wanting to return the console back to the store. My first memories end there.

I guess I want to say the rest is history, I just kept playing on the Wii, Infact my brother sometimes tells me that I'm the reason he stopped being into Nintendo consoles cause I hogged the Wii as a child (He became an Xbox Kid, anyways.) The Wii shaped my taste in games, for better or worse.

I remember being on the family laptop alot as a child too and watching tons of TV, and It was always a cool feeling seeing what new games were releasing via commercial, banner ad, or me slowly typing "mario" in the IE search bar. Alongside that we also tended to go out to the local mall and stop in the Gamestop or EB Games (My mall had both for some reason even though they were the same) and just browsing the Wii games and seeing if something picqued kid me's curiosity, I was a bit of a whiny kid and my mom didn't always let me get something, but it was always exciting to get something new.

Me in a now long closed EB Games circa 2011. I'm looking at DS games in this pic, but you get the idea.

I had a pretty hefty amount of Wii games, the last game I ever bought for the system was Animal Crossing: City Folk I around 2015/2016, and I had a Wii U by then though the last new Wii Game I got was Kirby's Dream Collection. Unfortunately I kept alot of my games either loose in a bag or in a blank dvd case, for some reason we didn't really take care of game cases, I know I'm a heretic for this.

While I did buy games alot, It was the Wii, and by that I mean, I owned alot of burned Wii games. One day my mom came and asked "Hey what games would you wanna play" and I remember she pulled up Gamefly of all things, we wrote down a list, and on a summer family vacation to North Carolina, A family friend just, hacked our Wii and gave us burned games in a ziploc bag alongside a USB Drive full of games to use with USB Loader GX. I didn't understand anything about It but I was more than happy to be getting free games. It was via this how I played alot of the big wii games, like Mario Galaxy 1 and 2.

Bag of old Wii games I've had since about 2009, absolutely disgusting condition at this point, proudly showing my copy of Pokemon Battle Revolution, though I think all of the burned games don't work anymore.

Anyhow, I enjoyed my Wii to hell and back, I remember in 3rd grade I'd wake up at like 7am to play Mario Kart Wii before school. When I had a 3DS I also used to like to record myself playing games using the 3DS Camera, pretending I was a Youtuber for some reason, being a Youtuber was something I thought I wanted to be growing up.

I think the only issue I had with the Wii as a kid was... Not really being able to play multiplayer games much. In terms of my family and my extended family, I was probably the only kid in my age group, I.E Older kids would usually play on other cconsoles like the 360, and the younger kids were, babies. I would always try to convince the big kids to do 4 players with me with whatever game but that never usually happened. I had some cousin who would play with me or I'd visit them and play on their wii but it was few and far between, I do cherish those moments though. We also never had Wi-Fi connection on our wii so playing stuff like MKWII Online wasnt an option for me.

All and all though, I love this console, I could go on and on about specific games I've played and other core memories with the Wii, but I think I'll save those for another day, I'll try to update this shrine with maybe some "Reviews" on childhood games and update with some more memories as time passes by because I absolutely go on about more... Thank you for reading all this, I'm glad I got to share a little bit of my memories with you.

Enjoy a tiny snippet of my Childhood Wii Home menu, Recorded on Dolphin Emulator but my Wii was plugged in and on to use the Sensor bar. I always was enamored by the Mario Kart Channel Home menu splash. The music and the scrolling vehicles did it for me as a kid. I plan on sharing more videos soon, I had more recordings but I don't think their up to snuff for this page just yet.



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